Because Capitalism is Worth Learning
Our Mission is to provide an integrated network of educational and professional opportunities making it easy and worthwhile for students to learn about capitalism, liberty, and limited government.
Our Vision is a world where every student can earn university credit for the study of classical liberal thought.
is a not-for-profit corporation that supports undergraduate education and student research about the authors and ideas of free markets, entrepreneurship, individual rights, individual responsibility, limited government, and peace.
The ones you encourage.
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Unfortunately for the British—and fortunately for America—the generation that emerged to lead the colonies into independence was one of the most remarkable group of men in history—sensible, broad-minded, courageous, unusually well educated, gifted in a variety of ways, mature, and long-sighted, sometimes lit by flashes of genius. It is rare indeed for a nation to have at its summit a group so variously gifted as Washington and Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Adams. And what was particularly providential was the way in which their strengths and weaknesses compensated each other, so that the group as a whole was infinitely more formidable than the sum of its parts. They were the Enlightenment made flesh…. Great events in history are determined by all kinds of factors, but the most important single one is always the quality of the people in charge; and never was this principle more convincingly demonstrated than in the struggle for American independence.
—excerpted from Paul Johnson’s A History of the American People (1997: 127-8)